Both films are set in dystopian future where society is run by a corrupt government. However Both films mainly focus on different aspects of a totalitarian state, for instance Children of men looks at infertility within women and its effects on society where as V for Vendetta looks at a corrupt government who abuses power and how no one has enough courage to stand up to it.
One similarity that both films share is a dystopian future set in London under control by a fascist government with both governments intentions of making Britain a 'pure' country. Both films actively speak against foreigners living in Britain, It also goes against homosexuals and religions that aren't seen as white religions such as Hinduism and Muslims. This is a well known aspect of Fascism and has been used during Hitler's rule of Germany. However how both governments got into power is different. Extremist political parties are voted in in times of crisis this is no different in these films but in COM the crisis is a unexplained natural problem where as VFV is a biological war created by the government on its own people to create chaos.
Another similarity these two films share is the theme of revolution, both films use the means of a violent uprising/ revolution to achieve freedom. In VFV the people of London are inspired to revolt because of Vs actions, it could be seen as a peaceful protest as they move to the House of Parliament without causing no harm, but with parliament being blown up it is seen as a violent protest. They do this for freedom from government and the fascist regime. This is similar to COM where the revolution of the ghetto is unquestionably a violent uprising. The reason for the war within the ghetto is also for freedom but for immigrants or 'undesirables'.
Another similarity between the two films is the idea of conspiracy theories, they are used by the government in both films to strengthen popularity, to create cahos to simply restoring order to show strength and it could be said that they did it for population control. In VFV the government created a chemical and planted it in water systems in 3 areas to create panic and chaos and then cure the problem to simply gain popularity. The government blame terrorists for the attack so it maximises popularity. This is not to different in COM where the government blame attacks on the public on 'terrorist groups' who are actually 'freedom fighters' who do not use violence anymore. This is used by the government to maintain faith in its regime. These events are also not to similar to reality with conspiracy theories focused on 9/11, where the government causes a catastrophe to use as a reason for actions that suit the government.
A difference between the films is the theme of infertility in COM. This theme is the main focus and drive point for all the characterss especially the protagonist ( Theo ). The cause of the problem within women is unexplained so it is impossible to identify it with any other themes within either films. Where as the main driving point for the protagonist in VFV ( V ) is revenge, he shares this anger with the society within london in the film to spur an uprising.
Overall I belive the films Children Of Men and V For Vendetta are very similar in the themes they show or use. The only difference between the films is the driving point for the protagonist.